"The Brutalist" is a nearly four-hour historical drama starring Adrien Brody as celebrated architect László Tóth. Here's what's real in the new movie.
Oscar winner Adrien Brody delved deep into his own family history for his portrayal of the character, reflecting on his mother and grandparents' experiences in fleeing their native Hungary, which after World War Two was becoming a satellite state of the Soviet Union.
As Bob Dylan and Laszlo Tóth, Timothée Chalamet and Adrien Brody depict different, but related trajectories for Jewish artists.
Adrien Brody reflects on his family's Hungarian Jewish heritage with Yahoo UK as he talks about the film with his co-stars Guy Pearce and Felicity Jones.
Adrien Brody carries The Brutalist writer-director Brady Corbet’s vision of astonishing scope, says Adam Bloodworth Right at the point when The Brutalist starts threatening to live up to its name, the action blackens into darkness and the word “INTERMISSION” flashes up.
The Brutalist caused a stir on social media after the Adrien Brody film's use of AI was revealed, calling for an Oscars snub.
Adrien Brody, who is considered a best actor frontrunner this awards season for his role as a post-World War II refugee in 'The Brutalist', reflects on his 'blessed' life with partner Georgina Chapman and their 'menagerie of pets.
Adrien Brody and "The Brutalist" filmmakers are receiving backlash online for enhancing the actor's accent and the movie's architecture with AI.
We chat with the Academy Award-winning actor about his acclaimed new role in The Brutalist, for which he’s tipped to win a second Oscar.
The Brutalist is a 2024 period drama directed by Brady Corbet, featuring Adrien Brody as the lead. The film premiered at the 81st Venice International Film Festival on September 1, 2024 ...
But director Brady Corbet and star Adrien Brody have come under fire after the film's editor Dávid Jancsó revealed that AI was used to enhance Brody’s accent. "The Brutalist" tells the story ...
With 'The Brutalist,' Adrien Brody got to honor his grandfather and expose the 'rejection' faced by many immigrants.