The Lansing Symphony Orchestra (LSO) performed Mozart’s "Divertimento" for those who came to this unique free concert.
Being an Ice Hog is one of many opportunities to help out at Winterlude, and not all of them require a bulky costume.
Ottawa is the charming capital city of Canada and a great winter destination.
The 47th edition of Winterlude, Ottawa-Gatineau’s winter festival, opened on what skiers would call a “bluebird day,” with ...
Inuvialuit artists Eli Nasogaluak and Derrald Taylor are attending Winterlude this year to celebrate their culture with an ice sculpture called 'The Happy Dance.' It depicts a drum dancer surrounded ...
Canadian Heritage's 47th Winterlude will take place in Canada's Capital Region, offering captivating programming and new features to delight young and old alike.
Party leaders in Ontario are back at it this morning as a trade war looms over the provincial election campaign.
Winterlude is in a week and preparations are well underway. CBC’s Robyn Miller met up with a spokesperson to get all the ...
Inuvialuit artists Eli Nasogaluak and Derrald Taylor are at Winterlude this year. They are creating a sculpture of an Inuit dancer surrounded by a circle of animals to celebrate their culture.