President Donald Trump’s early action on health care reversed some of his predecessor’s policies, but former President Joe ...
Tabatha Robinson has been chosen to diversify a $1 billion market as leader of the Maryland Cannabis Administration.
The rosters for the inaugural edition of the Women's Lacrosse League Championship Series have been announced. The round-robin style tournament will be the on-field debut for the WLL, which features ...
Commandeering the House floor, adding more bodies to the second floor, turning to voters to decide the minimum-wage floor in ...
The One Fair Wage Coalition, which has been pressing for higher minimum wages in states across the country, this week renewed its efforts to raise Maryland’s wage floor and exempt tips from state ...
A comprehensive education bill unveiled Wednesday by the Moore administration would slow the growth of per pupil spending ...
Maryland joined a coalition of 17 states to defend the EPA's Safe Drinking Water Act, which established the nation's first drinking water standards limiting the amount of PFAS chemicals.
We are in the middle of the annual debate of how to balance Maryland’s budget. The budget deficit is estimated to be nearly $3 billion. The governor’s ...
A DOJ memo says state and local officials who do not align with President Trump's crackdown on immigration enforcement could face criminal penalties.
Residents across the country from the Northern Plains to the tip of Maine are bracing for dangerously low temperatures as ...